Chats From The Deck
Chats From The Deck is a compilation of recordings hosted by Dave Shallbetter, Chairman of Sun 'n Fun Radio (broadcasting on 1510 AM & streaming on from the annual Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo held in Lakeland, Florida, each spring. (For more information on the event please visit Some are recordings of live interviews from the deck of the radio station. Others are pre-recorded interviews done by volunteer reporters during the fly-in. 7/19 NEW- Chats from the Deck, The Podcast! SUN 'n FUN isn't just for April any more! So we're doing a podcast about all the happenings on the SUN 'n FUN campus. A new episode will be released every other month, PLEASE NOTE: These recordings are copyrighted by Sun 'n Fun Radio and may not be used for anything other than your listening enjoyment without the express written permission of Sun 'n Fun Radio. Donations to support SUN 'n FUN Radio can be sent to through PayPal or by clicking below:

In another Women Shine at SUN 'n FUN episode, SnFRadio volunteer announcers, Robin Lamar and John Long chat with Dr. Peggy Chabrian of Women in Aviation International and Julie Clark, airshow prefromer at Sun N Fun this year.

For more information on Women in Aviation International, you can visit

For more information on Julie Clark, you can visit 

Direct download: WomansShineDeckInterview32712.mp3
Category:SnF2012 -- posted at: 11:24am EDT

Robin and John talk to Brian Shul an SR71 Pilot that gave a talk for the first time this year at Sun N Fun. For more infro on Brain and his book please visit 

Direct download: SR7132712.mp3
Category:SnF2012 -- posted at: 10:53am EDT

John and Dave chat with Jim McCarthy of The Silver Wings Fraternity. For more information please 

Direct download: SilverWings032712.mp3
Category:SnF2012 -- posted at: 10:18am EDT

Dave and Robin talk with David Allen of Other People's Airpalnes. For more on Other People's Airplanes please visit

Direct download: OtherPeoplesAirplanes32712.mp3
Category:SnF2012 -- posted at: 9:43am EDT

Dave and Robin chat with David Esterline of Oregon Aero. For more infromation on Oregon Aero please visit 

Direct download: OregonAero03272012.mp3
Category:SnF2012 -- posted at: 9:28am EDT